Okay.. I question whether I have to change my blog name because I am in the middle of transitioning jobs. I chose Audit Mama because I'm currently Auditing for a CPA firm in my hometown, but starting next week I'll be an Office Manager for an opthomology practice. Hmm.. whether it requires a name change or not, I'm hoping this new job will be a better fit for me both personally and professionally.
I've met some truly wonderful people here at the firm, and I know we'll keep in touch. My new friends here wouldn't have in any other way. I don't know that I could have made it through this past year if it hadn't been for Donna and Judy. Both caring, compassionate women who have befriended me and became my confidants. I will truly miss them both! God knew what he was doing placing us all here at the same time together. It was for such a time as this. I am so thankful for you two. God Bless you!
Please pray for me as I transition to this new job and more responsibility. Also that I would learn the new tasks quickly and efficiently. Thanks for your prayers!
Just to give an update, Kevin has changed shifts now and is working 4 - 10 hour days and has 3 days off each week, which is nice. However, he's still on 2nd shift.. so we're still praying for an opening soon!